Work methods

Gestalt Approach:

Entering the ranks of the top twenty types of psychotherapy that are widely recognized now at the European and global levels, Gestalt therapy, in over 60 years of existence, has rightly earned a prominent place right after numerous variants of psychoanalysis (Freud, Jung, Klein, Winnicott, Lacan, etc.). Created in the mid-20th century by psychoanalyst Frederick Solomon Perls, philosopher and writer Paul Goodman, and Gestalt psychologist Laura Perls, Gestalt therapy has evolved into a developing and democratic approach suitable for addressing acute crisis situations as well as for ongoing work.

In the CIS, it has been developing and spreading since the late 80s to early 90s.

Gestalt is a humanistic therapy based on the belief that people are born with the ability and potential to connect with others in a fulfilling way and to lead a creative and joyful life. However, sometimes, in childhood or later, something interrupts this process, and a person "gets stuck" in certain situations or self-conceptions that hinder their progress. The task of therapy is to explore and uncover how these situations and self-conceptions affect the person in the present moment and to find new and more creative ways to resolve the crisis.

DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy):

Initially developed by Marsha Linehan in the USA for patients with borderline personality disorder and chronic suicidal behavior. Gradually, DBT has evolved into a method designed to treat "difficult" clients with complex behavioral issues and borderline personality disorder (BPD).

DBT has been adapted for treatment-resistant behavioral disorders accompanied by emotional dysregulation, including anorexia and bulimia, bipolar affective disorder, depression, and suicidal behavior. Today, there are simplified versions of DBT that can be applied in both outpatient and inpatient settings, in the format of individual and group therapy. To date, DBT has the highest effectiveness in the treatment of eating disorders.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who does a gestalt therapist work with?

Primarily with mentally healthy individuals. Support may also be provided to people who are in a borderline mental status.

I appreciate gestalt therapy for its creativity, experimentation, and the opportunity to work with the client "here and now," addressing long-standing issues and tasks together with the client (rather than for them).

Duration of therapy

Both Gestalt therapy and DBT are relatively short-term methods. The course may last from 10-20 to 100-200 sessions. The duration of therapy depends on

  • the complexity of the issue and the client's desire to resolve it more deeply,
  • the client's willingness to put in the effort required to achieve a higher quality of life.

Who does a DBT therapist work with?

Outside of inpatient care, in private practice, with conditionally healthy individuals and those with "borderline" traits.

How much does a consultation cost and how long does it last?

Typically, a session lasts 50 minutes to 1 hour, costing 50 dollars for residents of Ukraine and 60 for individuals from other countries. I reserve up to 1.5 hours for the first introductory meeting.